Australian Medical Students' Association
Board Directors
The AMSA Board of Directors has two Independent Non-Executive Director vacant positions open for nomination now. These positions are for a two year term.
Nominations and applications are due by 5pm AEST on Saturday 5th March, and the election will occur at the General meeting on Saturday 9th April.
To be eligible to nominate as an independent Non-Executive Director, in line with the AMSA Constitution, a nominee must ordinarily reside in Australia and meet the following conditions:
1. Do not hold any other position or role in the Company (AMSA);
2. Are independent of management;
3. Are free from any business or other relationship that could materially interfere with – or could reasonably be perceived to interfere with – the exercise of their unfettered and independent judgement;
4. Meet any other independence requirements as determined by standards adopted by the Board from time to time; and
5. Meets the criteria to be a Director of a Public Company as specified in the Corporations Act (2001).
For more information, and a nomination pack, please get in touch with the Chair of the Board via